function BeginFunction(){
            let sunsetOrder = ["Building 1 will always view the sunset!"];
            //wire up all the data to the building variables
            let building1 = parseInt( document.getElementById("input1").value )
            let building2 = parseInt( document.getElementById("input2").value )
            let building3 = parseInt( document.getElementById("input3").value )
            let building4 = parseInt( document.getElementById("input4").value )
            let building5 = parseInt( document.getElementById("input5").value )
            //User Input validation
            if(building1 == null || building2 == null || building3 == null || building4 == null || 
                building5 == null){
                 document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = `You must input numbers for all buildings`
                 //clear data
                 document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ``
                //Put all the buildings into an array
                let buildingsArray = [building1, building2, building3, building4, building5]
                //You will need to use  nested for loops. Nested for loops are how you can properly
                //compare elements inside of an array with eachother.
                //Loop starts at one because it will be the loop that is compared to all the 
                //previous buildings that are infront of it  
                for (let currentBuilding = 1; currentBuilding < buildingsArray.length; currentBuilding++) {
                    //will be kept false UNTIL you find the tallest building
                    //once tallest building is found, it will be switched to true
                    let tallest = false;
                    //this loop starts at one because it will need to stay before the position of the 
                    //current building. It needs to stay before current building to properly compare
                    //which building is taller. That is why the middle condition is 
                    // previousBuilding < currentBuilding
                    for (let previousBuilding = 0; previousBuilding < currentBuilding; previousBuilding++) {
                        //if any of the previous building are taller than the building that is currently being compared with,
                        //then change the bool to true  
                        if(buildingsArray[previousBuilding] >= buildingsArray[currentBuilding]){
                            tallest = true;
                    if(tallest == false){
                        sunsetOrder.push("Building #" +(currentBuilding + 1)+ " can view the sunset")
                        sunsetOrder.push("Building #" +(currentBuilding + 1)+ " can't view the sunset")
                    let results = sunsetOrder.join("
") document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = `${results}` } } } function clearContents(){ document.getElementById("results").innerHTML ="" sunsetOrder = [] }